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Classroom Vision

Vision of the Wheatland Charter Academy's Classroom

The whole child must always be considered. It is in the best interest of the student that home and school environments be consistent. The respect to the body, mind, and spirit, the physical, mental, emotional, social academic, and spiritual needs will always be considered on the part of the best interest of the child. This is our first priority.  The following items are areas that our staff and parents must have agreement:

  • We have chosen the philosophy of Dr. Montessori versus a traditional approach. Therefore, our classrooms and school environment will operate with the concepts and methodology of Montessori being implemented.  We provide curriculum aligned with state standards, complimented with Montessori lessons.
  • We recognize the need for pro-active and positive affirmation regarding self-image and esteem. At any time deemed necessary, your child/the student will be reassured that she/he is lovable and liked.
  • We provide guidance in the area of behavior and attitudes. We do, however, recognize that these are not our children, that each arrives each day with us with a unique personality, likes and dislikes, values, strengths and weaknesses. What we consider to be a weakness could actually be a strength. The student must have the right to prove him/herself. Adults do not have the right to force a child into a preconceived pattern of what we think a child should be. 
  • The school has rules that each class establishes within the first week of the school year. It is the expectation that once those rules are set, they are set with the understanding that everyone will respect and follow them. This definition provides the child with ability to reason and think for her/himself.
  • Children need to be exposed to communication that is respectful yet exposed to an assertive style that is socially acceptable. They also need to be listened to in atmosphere in which they feel safe to express themselves with differing viewpoints.
  • All levels of learning are encouraged. It is considered that using Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Thought Process will enhance the critical thinking opportunities for all children.
  • Accountability is a realistic expectation. Throughout our class environments. this process is evolutionary. Working along with parents, the child (student) can be reinforced to understand these guidelines, and limits, as well as the freedom of choice. 
  • Parents are informed at all times where a situation occurs that is harmful to another child, parent, and/or teacher. Resolution must be discussed by all parties within a reasonable amount of time. Input is solicited on behalf of the child by the parents and teachers. This also includes any academic issues regarding assignments.