Rules & Reminders
Classroom Rules
To create a healthy and successful learning environment in our classroom, we have a few basic rules:
Positive Consequences for Following the Rules:
Consequences for Bad Choices:
Classroom Rules
To create a healthy and successful learning environment in our classroom, we have a few basic rules:
- Treat everyone with respect.
- Practice self-control.
- Make good choices.
- Have a good attitude.
- Take an active part and always do your best!
Positive Consequences for Following the Rules:
- Individual compliments
- Team points-Lunch with Mrs. Johnson and Ms.Giles
- Clean Desk Awards
- Friday Fun
- Class Parties
- Positive note in planner
Consequences for Bad Choices:
- Warning
- Loss of Privileges
- Loss of 5 minutes of recess
- Note in planner
- Call home
- Referral
- Parent Conference